
The EAA Corp MKA 1919 MATCH named the 2016 Shooting Illustrated Golden Bullseye “Shotgun of the Year”!

“Shooting Illustrated will [officially] present its annual Golden Bullseye Awards and Golden Bullseye Pioneer Award at an invitation-only breakfast on Friday, May 20, during the 2016 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Louisville, Kentucky.” states the announcement on Shooting Illustrated Golden Bullseye

After much work and dedicated modification to the original version of this semi-automatic AR style shotgun, we are proud to announce that our MKA 1919 MATCH shotgun has been selected as this year’s recipient of the 2016 Shooting Illustrated Golden Bullseye “Shotgun of the Year” Award. We are honored and excited to be recognized by such a prestigious organization with this incredible award.

The work that our Technical staff put into bringing this shotgun to a competitive level was definitely a labor of love and we are pleased that it was also a labor that our customers have enjoyed. We believed in the MKA 1919 MATCH and its ability to become a competitive 3-Gun shotgun out of the box and we truly feel that it has achieved this goal and more.

The MKA 1919 MATCH brings everything you need to get started in 3-Gun and the MKA 1919 MATCH PRO adds the forearm Picatinny rail to allow you the customization options you desire.  We’ll close with this line from a great article on “If you have the itch for 3-gun, but not the scratch for a custom-enhanced 1919, in the MKA 1919 Match you now have a reliable gun with which to get started. Oh, you’ll want additional tweaks down the line—the thing is, now you don’t need them just to get started.” [Read More Here]


-Visit The 2016 Shooting Illustrated Golden Bullseye Announcement Here
-Read the full MKA 1919 MATCH Shooting Illustrated Article Here