
It’s time for an ABDO™ Update!

Blog body Post 9 29 16 1By now you are all familiar with The ABDO™ (basic version), the concealed carry safe that is taking the shooting world by storm. If you participated in the SUMMER OF ABDO™ Contests this summer you might be familiar with our stylish ABDO™ Grafix (basic version). If you have been following us for any period of time you have certainly heard something about the much anticipated arrival of the Smart ABDO™. Who knows whats next for the ever expanding world of ABDO™?! Well we have a some great news about all of these and more!

With so much going on in the world of ABDO™ it might be easy to miss an important update. We don’t want you to miss a minute of the action this year as we release the new Smart ABDO™ and more. So we have created  banner to look for, an all encompassing title that will be carried to you by the digital carrier pigeon of your choice. We call it “This Week in ABDO™”. Think of it like: The National Enquirer for ABDO™ News, The Cosmo of Concealed Carry, or The Wall Street ABDO™. It will be an all things ABDO™ run-down of the latest and greatest news from the ABDO™ Lizard himself. We will make this available on our ABDO™ Facebook page, Twitter, THEABDO.COM, and in our ABDO™ Email Newsletter. 

Keep your ear to the ground, this will be released very soon. While we have your attention lets take a moment to give you an ABDO UPDATE!!! 

SMART ABDO™ – This summer we have been hard at work testing the first prototypes for SMART ABDO™! We are pleased to announce that SMART ABDO™ has passed both Over The Air Testing and FCC Testing. It has also undergone extensive wireless compatibility and roaming testing both in the US and in Europe. Most recently tested and passed in Turkey and Italy. Soon Smart ABDo will go into beta production. We will need some Beta Testers to get their hands on the device and put it through it’s paces. Keep your eyes for the Beta sign-up contest coming soon. To get you exited about Smart ABDO™ check out some awesome new videos and other content we have : 

• Check out our new video featuring the soon to be released Smart ABDO™ and one of it’s iconic features!

• See FMG Publications new promo-video for Smart ABDO™.

• Get a sneak peak at some of Smart ABDO™’s features check out our users guide to the Smart ABDO™ App.

NEW ABDO MODEL LEAKED – This last week there was a sneak peak revealed of a Law Enforcement Level III Duty holster revealed. Head to our website to see the latest on this project!

ABDO UPGRADES – Currently  ABDO (basic version) is only designed to hold smaller compact carry style pistols. We have received a lot of question on if a model will be introduced to fit larger more popular style pistols in 9mm and other wise. We have good news! The Supersize ABDO™ is in development. When complete it will be available in both Smart and Basic Versions. Stay tuned for more news on this Awesome new development for ABDO™!

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