
Don’t let this contest slip from your view. Capture a Free ABDO™ Today!

Join us in the concealed carry revolution. Experience The ABDO™ concealed carry portable safe. Discreetly hung from a belt or inside a purse, ABDO™ is a new and Body-Post-6-10-16.pnginnovative way to conceal carry. Disguised as a cell phone, ABDO™ is concealment in plain view. This simple and unique device offers fast and easy concealed carry at your fingertips while securing and concealing your firearm.

With ABDO™, the future of concealed carry is smart. Future models will include GPS / WiFi communication, remote access / control, electronic locking / tracking, audible alarm, remote app interface and much more.

Now it’s your chance to get your very own ABDO™ for Free. We are giving you the chance to win an ABDO™ (Basic Version) in the EAA Corp ABDO™ giveaway. It’s as easy as logging into your favorite social media network to sign up. Once you enroll we have several options for you to increase your chances of winning. The more you participate, the more entries you will get and the more entries you get, the better your chances are to win. To get started, head to our contest site and sign into one of your social media accounts.

• While you’re on the contest site tell us how you plan to use your ABDO™ and you will receive 1 entry.
• You can get yourself 2 entries just by visiting the ABDO™ Facebook page from the contest link.
• Get on your Twitter™ account and make sure to follow us to get yourself 3 entries.
• You can receive 5 entries by subscribing to our YouTube™ channel. While you’re there make sure to check out some more of our videos including our very own “Day at the Range” series.
• Make sure to share this post with your Facebook™ friends and each time a friend signs up for the contest you will receive 5 more entries.

Sign up for this contest and share content to better your chances at getting your own free ABDO™ today!



EAA Corp ABDO™ Giveaway