
The new issue of Guns & Ammo hits the shelf on April 5th and inside you’ll find several pages about the ABDO™ written by Veteran Author and Current Editor of G&A, Eric Poole

ItGuns & Ammo - May 2016‘s not everyday that you receive a special, pre-release, delivery of Guns & Ammo so when the May 2016 issue arrived at our office early this week we immediately tore open the envelope and flipped to the ABDO™ article. Current Editor, Eric Poole, carried ABDO™ for 30 days, taking notes and putting our concealed carry device to the test prior to writing this article, so we knew it would be detailed.

We can’t give you all of the details from his article, for that you’ll need to pick up a copy, but let’s just say, he didn’t pull any punches. He approached with, and writes, a refreshingly unbiased view of our device. Make sure to pick up your copy on April 5th, 2016 and get the full scoop!